Priming a New Natural Gas Workforce

Gas WorkersWhile Connecticut embraces the push to bring natural gas to more homes and business, there is a need to have a trained workforce who can convert customers from oil to natural gas.

For the past year, UIL has been supporting — with a $322,000 investment — a gas utility worker-training program organized by the Capital Workforce Partners Jobs Funnel in Hartford. Through this program, unemployed or underemployed urban residents, or individuals who need and deserve a second chance at a career, get training in the installation and maintenance of gas pipelines.

Since beginning as a pilot program in October 2014, 35 women and men have completed the course and 30 have secured jobs in the greater Hartford area. The average hourly wage for these entry-level workers is $16.12.

“This initiative is a smart example of business and education coming together to address a workforce issue that ultimately will benefit our region,” said Richard LoPresti, UIL community and economic development specialist.

Yolanda Rivera, the Jobs Funnel Program Director, explained, “We refined the program based on feedback from the pilot program.”

The coursework expanded from four weeks to six weeks. In addition, prospective employers visit the program, where trainees can show off their skills. Representatives from Feeney Brothers, McAllen Building, RH White, CNG and Operating Engineers Local 478 have all visited the program. Many of these businesses have also hired program graduates.

Classes are small: only 15 participants. During the first week of the program, students cover the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) 10-hour certificate, traffic flagger, math and first aid, as well as life skills. During the remaining weeks, there are hands-on components to learn digging and pipe-fitting techniques, as well as other pipeline operation tasks. Students must take and pass the online Northeast Gas Association Pipeline Operator Certification test.

Peter West, the RH White superintendent, who has hired program graduates, is satisfied with the program. “Our goal has been to staff our East Hartford office with local talented employees. The gas industry keeps expanding. I can’t express how thrilled we are to have this program and be able to hire workers who are qualified in the basic tasks that gas companies require,” said West.

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