What’s Your Home Energy Efficiency IQ?

Think you run a tight ship, energy-wise? Take this short quiz to find out how much you know about saving money on energy at home. Then, visit Energize Connecticut to get more energy-saving tips.



100% Genius. You’re a human home energy efficiency encyclopedia!
51-99% Whiz kid. You obviously know your way around a thermostat.
15-50%  Sophomore: You know a thing or two, but still have a lot to learn.
< 15%  Slacker. Maybe it’s time to brush up at Energize Connecticut?

(Answers: Q1-80% less; Q2-All of the above; Q3-Near windows, doors, sockets and light switch plates; Q4-ENERGYSTAR label; Q5-120F; Q6-3%; Q7-Keep south facing windows open on sunny days, closed at night; Q8-Every year.)

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